Friday, March 30, 2018

Trump is Bad, but Pence is Worse

Since Donald Trump announced his run for Presidency, there have been plenty that started a search for any reason to take him out of the office should he win it. When he did take the win, to the surprise of many in the general public, the search intensified and special committees were set up to start the process of what could eventually lead to his impeachment. 

As it stands today the chances of Trump being impeached are strong, however, the chances of both Trump AND Pence (the current Vice President) being impeached are very weak. If Trump is to leave office, it is almost guaranteed that Pence will step up to bat. Trump may be bad, but in my opinion, Pence is substantially worse. 

Since the start of the colonization of North America businesses have been prevalent in the growth, and success, of what was to become the United States of America. President Trump has left a bad taste in many American's mouths with his generosity to corporations over the middle class however, that is nothing new in our country. As a people, we have many times been left as the underdogs to industry and it's hard to think that will change. Trump is doing nothing in this regard that hasn't been done before. 

That being said, Pence has remained rather quiet on the business aspects of politics and largely vocal on the religious aspects. From the background I could get through on Pence, it seems that the majority of his decisions have been based on one of two things: 1) His (and his wife's) religious beliefs, and 2) His relationship with the Koch brothers (who are well known for their libertarian views that include deregulating any industry they are a part of).

The history of the United States includes many presidents who were willing to speak out on behalf of their religious beliefs but always seemed to stop short of taking their own beliefs and forcing them onto the country. We have already seen what Pence is willing to pass in defense of his beliefs (specifically speaking to the laws he passed while Indiana Governor from 2013 until he became VP) including but not limited to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and H.B. 1337. 

As a woman, I am astounded that a man that follows the Billy Graham rule, meaning he will not spend time alone in a room with a woman who is not his wife, or dine with any unmarried women without his wife, is able to hold such a prominent position in a government that is not supposed to discriminate against anyone.  Trump is bad, but for anyone in the country who isn't a white Christian male, I think Pence is substantially worse. 

Friday, March 9, 2018

We should listen to kids...but only the ones that are saying things we agree with

Trying to better understand the national issue of gun control I ventured out of my personal political comfort zone I visited the "RedState" political blog to see what the "other side" is saying about the Parkland shooting victims and survivors. 

In the article, "In The Midst Of The Parkland Student Media Spectacle, Kyle Kashuv Is The Only One I Respect" written by Brandon Morse, we see one person's view as to why Kyle Kashuv is the only Parkland shooting survivor worth listening to. RedState is a heavily right-leaning blog and Morse is a contributor who seems to like to write about any, and all, hot-button issues. In the article, Morse uses the argument that the "students" from Parkland are only marching on D.C. because left-leaning organizations have come to help these kids organize, find funding, and show them the ropes to a scenario that few kids in America, actually few people in America, have had to figure out before.

Ironically, in his argument Morse begins his article with the statement that "to this day I believe that young people do have some value to add to the national conversation." However, he goes on to belittle the kids that are speaking " often ill-informed commentary" on the NRA and their contributions to Republican politicians. 

The argument that Morse makes is based on nothing other than pathos, expecting his reader to take his word that many of the Parkland survivors are nothing other than mouthpieces for a left-leaning organization, and not speaking their own feelings and thoughts. 

The idea that the only people worth listening to are the ones speaking your own ideas seems to be the biggest pitfall of politics. Nothing will be achieved until BOTH sides realize that the most important people to listen to are those that have the opposite ideas of yourself, and to have open and transparent lines of communication.